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مسجات حب بالانكليزي 613623

عزيــزي الزائــر / عزيزتــي الزائــرة يرجـى التكـرم بتسجيـل الـدخـول إذا كـنـت عضـواًَ معـنــا
أو التسجيـل..إن لـم تـكـن عضـواًَ وتـرغـب فـي الأنضمـام الـى أسـرة{ مـُنتديآإت ابداع العراق}
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شكـراًَ مسجات حب بالانكليزي 829894
إدارة الـمنـتـدي مسجات حب بالانكليزي 103798
::: منتديات ابداع العراق :::
مسجات حب بالانكليزي 613623

عزيــزي الزائــر / عزيزتــي الزائــرة يرجـى التكـرم بتسجيـل الـدخـول إذا كـنـت عضـواًَ معـنــا
أو التسجيـل..إن لـم تـكـن عضـواًَ وتـرغـب فـي الأنضمـام الـى أسـرة{ مـُنتديآإت ابداع العراق}
سنتشـرف بتسجيلـك
شكـراًَ مسجات حب بالانكليزي 829894
إدارة الـمنـتـدي مسجات حب بالانكليزي 103798
::: منتديات ابداع العراق :::
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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هــلآ وآلـآـهہ يــآ~][.{زائر}.][~نورتـہ مـُنتداك
البوابةالرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 مسجات حب بالانكليزي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
nogi tornado
نائب المدير العام
نائب المدير العام
nogi tornado

عدد المساهمات : 474
نقاط : 850
السٌّمعَة : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/08/2009
العمر : 33
الموقع : U S A

مسجات حب بالانكليزي Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مسجات حب بالانكليزي   مسجات حب بالانكليزي Empty22/8/2009, 3:41 pm

مسجات حب انجليزيه
hi guys
how are you all of you
your fine am fine
any way i have same english text msgs
i hop you like them


I luv ur eyes
i luv ur smile
I cherish ur ways
I adore ur style
wat can i say
ur 1 of a kind and 24/7 ur on my mind!


you can fall from a mountain,
you can fall from a tree,
but the best way to fall,
is to fall inlove with me.


In my dreams i dream of you
of all the things that we could do,
an in my heart i yearn for more
of the sweetest person who i adore,
but most of all the things
i miss is giving u a goodnite kiss xxx


Do u take me 2 b ur lawful txt m8,
2 have & 2 hold in rich quotes & horny jokes,
in txt matrimony & in poor signal,
til low battery & no reception do us part?


If i could be an angel,
i would make ur every wish come true.
But im only human,
just a girl who's lovin u!!!


Baby i love you,
and everything you do...if anything ever happened,
ill always be there to comfort u thru! x-x-x


if i got a pound for every time i looked at u i would be a billionaire by now.


I love you,
you love me,
in my heart you'll alwayz be,
here or there,
near or far my love will be wherever you are!


Last night I looked up at the stars
And matched each one with a reason why I love you
I was doing great,
but then I ran out of stars


On a silent nite when friends r few,
i close my eyes n think of u,
a silent nite,
a silent tear,
a silent wish u were here!


..... U r ,
u r fine,
the only thing u aint is mine!


Once upon a time,
somthing happened 2me
.It was the sweetest thing that ever could b,
it was a fantasy,
a dream come true.
It was the day i met u!


is ur dad a crook
because he stole the stars and put them into your eyes


W X Y Z 'oopz imiss u'


if a big fat man comes late at night into your room
and wants to pack you in his bag,
don't worry,
i told santa that i want you for christmas!!!


One day you will ask me
what is more important to me you or my life
i will say my life and you will walk out
and leave me not even realising that


like u told me,
please b careful wiv my heart.
u can take it just dont break it,
or my world will fall apart!


If I had letters "hrt"
I can add "ea" and get heart,
If I add u then Id "hurt" but I rather
choose u and get hurt than have a heart without u.


this all about love sms

an i have same of the funny text


A - ur
B - ur
C - ur
D - ur
E - ur
F - ur
G - ur
H - ur

مسجات انجليزية..top

its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your
heart still does
*~*When I was born half of my soul is given to someone else; i spend all of my lives looking for our other half.*~*
*Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while so when you're lonely remember it's true somebody somewhere is thinking of you.
When we are born half of our soul is given to someone else; we spend all of our lives looking for our other half.*~*
The hardest way to miss someone is when you are sitting right next to them, knowing that you can't have them.*~
*~*A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.*~*
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.*~*
Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone than to cry all alone
Funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word, we are screaming inside but we can't be heard.
Everyone says you can only fall in love once, but that’s not true, ‘cause every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again. ..................
If in my dreams is the only place I can hold you, I want to sleep forever!
) Love isn’t when you can imagine spending your life with someone; it’s when you can’t imagine your life without that person!

When it hurts to look back, and you’re too scared to look ahead, look beside you and i will be there
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